Thursday, May 1, 2008

Just for a moment...

Today came out of nowhere. I've been doing really well the past few days and thought that I'd made it over the hump. I guess not...
Gretchin and I were close to Justin's parents house this afternoon and she wanted to see what it looked like, so we drove past. I was fine before that, laughing and telling her little things about this place and that place. Then we got past the house and I looked back at the driveway behind the house. His truck was sitting there and for a split second I forgot he's gone. My heart dropped to my stomach and I thought...."Justin's home!" Just as soon as the thought came, though it was gone. I remembered that he's not home. Hasn't been in a few months and won't be for a few more months. I never expected it to affect me the way it did but it really upset me.


Nicole said...

Definitely a rotten feeling... I too thought I was "over" the immediate sadness of my finace being gone, but it seems that the sadness come in waves. Hang in there.